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Мужчина, 49 лет, родился 12 февраля 1976
Рассматривает предложения
Атырау, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
HSE Manager
- Инженер по охране труда и технике безопасности, инженер-эколог
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 23 года 11 месяцев
Июль 2023 — по настоящее время
1 год 9 месяцев
Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще
HSE Manager
• Advising all management on local statutory and regulatory QHSE requirements.
• Coordinating customer satisfaction and handle all customer complaints and awards.
• Ensure emergency preparedness, business continuity and response plans are planned and implemented.
• Drive monitoring and verification programmes which includes periodic inspections, internal and external audits; internal and external food test plans
• Periodically attend safety meetings within all departments and with the customer whenever possible.
Апрель 2020 — Июль 2023
3 года 4 месяца
Service company INTRA
Head of HSE&MS Team
arries out studying of working conditions on workplaces, work on carrying out certification of a sanitary-engineering condition of shops, check of a technical condition of the equipment, safety and protection devices, works of ventilating systems
• Keeps all documentation and the reporting on HSE according to the legislation and internal standards of the Company
• Takes part in drawing up of programs of training of workers to safe methods of work
• Takes part in investigation and the analysis of the reasons of operational injuries, occupational diseases, in development of actions for their prevention and elimination
• Provides carrying out introduction and repeated instructing of employees of the enterprise for TBT, demands for overalls and other means of individual protection, special power supply, safety and protection devices etc
Декабрь 2018 — Апрель 2020
1 год 5 месяцев
SC Atyrau branch "KazTurboRemont" KTR-Services.
Атырау, ktr.kz
Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще
HSE Manager
• Interaction with Client Representatives and public supervision authorities (Fire Safety Dept, Gosgortekhnadzor, Marine Inspection, Sanitary Department, Environmental Department etc) .
Work with electronic data base of RoK standards in safety sphere.
• Conducting monthly emergency response and medical evacuation drills to keep the company personnel alerted about emergency case actions. ;
• Work with electronic data base of RoK standards in safety sphere. ;
Supervision over conducting work on construction area ;
• Inspection of lifting - rigging equipments ;
• Inspection and documentation of lifting equipments in subcontractors ;
• Participation TA – 2019 HCOC D-island (Kashagan)
• Carrying Out Tool Box Meeting regarding safety before starting job on site
• Carry out regular “Golden Rules Visible Implementation Monitoring System” (GRUVIS) inspections.
• Ensure the adequate HSE coaching of personnel operating on work site.
• Promote the use of SAFE-R System among employees
Июль 2018 — Декабрь 2018
6 месяцев
Sicim SpA
Deputy HSE manager
Tengiz projects (Special project (TA), SGE - SGP, SGR - KTL, field base business).
Client - Tengizchevroil (TCO)
* Control and coordination of HSE activities.
* Conduction of HSE meetings with Sicim and Subcontractors. ;
* Elimination of remarks and violations, conducting of daily audits at site. ;
* Representing Company at a meeting conducted by TCO regarding HSE problems. ;
* Maintain control for safety standards, regulations and labor legislation. ;
* Instructing to construction reps and subcontractors to eliminate violations. ;
* Management Speech for all new Sicim employees about IIF Journey - Way Which Takes All of Us Home. ;
* Reviewing daily safety reports from workplaces. ;
* Work with electronic database of RoK standards in safety sphere. ;
* Conducting of Safety minute for Clients Construction representatives in progress meetings for TA, RVU, SGE and SGR Project. ;
* Preparation of orders, instructions on Environment, Safety, Fire and Health;
* Control over execution of regulatory prescriptions in scheduled time. Correspondence with regulatory bodies.
TCO Certificate (badge # 14063758):
1. Fife safety&ANSUL extinguisher
2. Safe Driving
3. First Aid
4. Respiratory Protective Equipment
6. Confined Space Entry
7. PTW&HA and SLW for WRP
8. Safe Excavation Practices
9. Working at Heights
10. IIF course
Июнь 2016 — Июль 2018
2 года 2 месяца
Sicim SpA
HSE Supervisor
Tengiz projects (Special project (TA), SGE - SGP, SGR - KTL, field base business)
Client - Tengizchevroil (TCO)
* Control and coordination of HSE activities. ;
* Conduction of HSE meetings with Sicim and Subcontractors. ;
* Elimination of remarks and violations, conducting of daily audits at site. ;
* Representing Company at a meeting conducted by TCO regarding HSE problems. ;
* Maintain control for safety standards, regulations and labor legislation. ;
* Instructing to construction reps and subcontractors to eliminate violations. ;
* Management Speech for all new Sicim employees about IIF Journey - Way Which Takes All of Us Home. ;
* Reviewing daily safety reports from workplaces. ;
* Work with electronic database of RoK standards in safety sphere. ;
* Conducting of Safety minute for Clients Construction representatives in progress meetings for TA, RVU, SGE and SGR Project. ;
* Preparation of orders, instructions on Environment, Safety, Fire and Health;
* Control over execution of regulatory prescriptions in scheduled time. Correspondence with regulatory bodies.
Январь 2015 — Январь 2016
1 год 1 месяц
Bonatti SpA
HSE Supervisor
Client - NCOC N.V
* Oversight of a program of Health safety and emergency response Inspections of contracted facilities & assets. Pre- hire/Routine/with cause. ;
* Manage the workflows for Departmental HSE and Hygiene services Inspectors. ;
* Ensure HSE meetings are conducted with respect to Contract HSE Management plans. ;
* Give advice to contract holders Management teams as required ;
* Be part of incident investigation & reporting activities ;
* Documenting and carrying out independent examination in case of accident and acceptances of measures on elimination of the reasons resulted in them ;
* Environmental permitting and reporting process adopted by the consortium Operator since 2010 namely NCOC ;
* Interaction with Client Representatives and public supervision authorities (Fire Safety dept. Gosgortekhnadzor, Marine Inspection, Sanitary Department and etc.) ;
* Work with electronic data base of RoK standards in safety sphere. ;
* Track to closure all outstanding actions followed by audits/reviews/inspections and incident investigations ;
* Ensuring that monthly HSE statistics are collated and reported in timely manner. ;
* Ensuring that all HSE activities are in accordance with HSE policies and procedures;
* Conducts Lifting Equipment inspections in accordance with RoK & Company Requirements ;
* Supervision over conducting on scaffolding work ;
* Supervision over conducting excavation ;
* Recommendations on elimination of infringements concerning to Safety in subcontractors ;
* Execution of tasks received from HSE Manager;
* Deputizing of HSE Manager in his absence;
* Coordination of Safety Officer's activity etc. ;
* Preparation of orders, instructions on Environment, Safety, Fire and Health;
* Control over execution of regulatory prescriptions in scheduled time. Correspondence with regulatory bodies. ;
* Preparation of statistic reports on safety status and their dispatch to the Head office. ;
* Instructions on fire protection and conducting of inflammable works were prepared on the enterprise objects;
* At the enterprise the certification of job places on work conditions was organized and carried out;
Январь 2013 — Январь 2015
2 года 1 месяц
«Kom-Munai» - Petrom member of OMV group “Komsomol'skoye” Oil field
HSE Engineer
* Preparing of Work Permits, Safety Task Analyses, and Job Safety Analyses for all kinds of work carried out on site. ;
* Daily safety inductions prior to the performance of the work scope and recording of registration journals. ;
* Interpretation during safety briefings and toolbox talk meetings ;
* Developing safety bulletins, safety lines, toolbox talks and flashbacks. ;
* Developing and translation of Job Hazard Analysis, Risk Assessments specific for projects / job ;
* Ensuring that a project specific HSE Plan including Risk Assessments specific to the work is drawn up and agreed prior to commencement of work ;
* Reviewing Site Audit Inspection Reports, health and safety suggestions, complaints and requests for information and follows through with action ;
* Reviewing and investigating incidents or dangerous occurrences, Carrying out accident investigation, establishing cause of accident, incident or dangerous occurrence and recommend methods for future avoidance ;
* Taking the lead in conjunction with the company supervisory team in introducing and implementing effective measures aimed at the prevention of accidents at work ;
* Carrying out safety, health and environment audits in liaison with on-site management and site HSE Officers, and recommending corrective actions and improvements, Communicating HSE information throughout the organization
Январь 2005 — Январь 2013
8 лет 1 месяц
Bonatti SpA - Kazakhstan Branch KASHAGAN FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Client - Agip KCO
HSE Supervisor
* Execution of tasks received from HSE Manager;
* Deputizing of HSE Manager in his absence;
* Development of procedures on safe civil engineering work execution;
* Coordination of Safety Officer's activity;
* Interaction with Client Representatives and public supervision authorities (Fire Safety Dept, Gosgortekhnadzor, Marine Inspection, Sanitary Department, Environmental Department etc);
* Work with electronic data base of RoK standards in safety sphere. ;
* Presence in fire fighting and fire emergency drills which carried in company and subcontractors of Bonatti on OGS ``Bolashak'' Plant
Январь 2004 — Январь 2005
1 год 1 месяц
Consortium «Bonatti-Sicim »
HSE Engineer
* Conducting monthly emergency response and medical evacuation drills to keep the company personnel alerted about emergency case actions. ;
* Work with electronic data base of RoK standards in safety sphere. ;
* Induction course ;
* Supervision over conducting work on construction area ;
* Inspection of lifting - rigging equipments ;
* Inspection and documentation of lifting equipments in subcontractors ;
* Weekly check of fire extinguishers ;
* Inspection of scaffoldings, equipments. Correction Instruction in case of Safety rules violation ;
* Carrying Out Tool Box Meeting regarding safety before starting job on site(daily)
Январь 2001 — Январь 2004
3 года 1 месяц
State Fire Safety Department of Atyrau region
Fire safety Inspector of operative department
Supervision over fire-prevention condition
Issue of prescriptions and control over execution of the measures prescribed;
Carrying out fire engineering inspection
Organization of fire fighting.
Fire preventive and conducting of fire hazardous works Instructions were developed for the objects of the enterprise;
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории BОбо мне
Job Safety Analysis, Safety Briefings, Toolbox Talks, Fire Protection, Manage the workflows, Contract HSE Management, RAMS > Risk Assessment, Environmental & Occupational Health > HSE, Health and Safety, accident investigation, incident investigation, incident investigations, prevention of accidents, Civil Engineering, Pressure Vessel, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
Высшее образование
Managing Safety, Cert No: 761345
Kokshetay Technical Institute
Fire Safety, Fire Safety
Kazakh State National University
MSc in History, Master of Science
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
IKSI, Managing Safety
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения