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Was online today at 13:47


Male, 35 years, born on 20 September 1989

Considers offers

Uralsk, willing to relocate (Aktau, Atyrau), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

QA/QC, Construction representative , Authorship Supervision, Technical Supervision

1 500 000  in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule

Work experience 14 years 1 month

October 2021currently
3 years 6 months
ТОО "СтройПотенциал"


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Управление проектом
Полное ведение Казначейского сопровождение. КС применяется в отношении бюджетных инвестиционных проектов, связанных со строительством со сметной стоимостью в соответствии с проектно-сметной документации свыше двух миллиардов тенге. Платежный сертификат – документ, предоставляемый инжиниринговой компанией генподрядчику при казначейском сопровождении для дальнейшего представления в территориальные органы казначейства при проведении платежей в рамках казначейского сопровождения, который служит основанием для исполнения платежа. Проверка наличия уведомления о начале строительно – монтажных работ и талона; Проверка наличия у подрядчиков лицензии на соответствующую деятельность; Контролировать ход выполнения планов капитального строительства, сответствие объемов согласно проектно-сметной документацией, сроков и качества строительно – монтажных работ, а также качества применяемых материалов, изделий, конструкций утвержденной проектно-сметной документации рабочим чертежам, строительным нормам и правилам, стандартам, техническим условиям, нормам труда. Знание СН РК, ГОСТ, ВСН, СП, проектной документации, нормативных актов; Проверка паспортов на материалы и изделия, оборудования, сертификатов качества на соответствие проектной документации техническим требованиям и стандартам РК;
May 2020January 2022
1 year 9 months
ТОО Дирекция строящихся предприятий "СТРОЙИНТЕГРАЦИЯ"


Инженер по техническому надзору "Социальные проекты"
Проверка наличия уведомления о начале строительно – монтажных работ и талона; Проверка наличия у подрядчиков лицензии на соответствующую деятельность; Контролировать ход выполнения планов капитального строительства, сответствие объемов согласно проектно-сметной документацией, сроков и качества строительно – монтажных работ, а также качества применяемых материалов, изделий, конструкций утвержденной проектно-сметной документации рабочим чертежам, строительным нормам и правилам, стандартам, техническим условиям, нормам труда. Знание СН РК, ГОСТ, ВСН, СП, проектной документации, нормативных актов; Проверка паспортов на материалы и изделия, оборудования, сертификатов качества на соответствие проектной документации техническим требованиям и стандартам РК; Проверить правильность заполнении Актов освидетельствование скрытых работ и промежуточной приемки ответственных конструкций; Контроль за ходом строительных этапов, а также качество используемых материалов и инструментов; Контроль соответствия требованиям заказчика, Строительным нормам, государственным стандартам (процедуры, технические решение, спецификации); Контроль бетонных работ, контроль качества бетона; Ведение журнала технического надзора; Своевременное предоставление отчетов;
January 2019May 2020
1 year 5 months
Due to the production need, transferred to “SHEBER” LLP


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Inspector Technical Supervision
Check availability of the civil construction & erection start-up notice and coupon for start-up; Check that contractors have appropriate license to carry out their activities; Participate in export pumps G21E, G21F, G21G, G21H individual testing; Participate in hydraulic test of process pipelines; Ensure the execution of RoK quality requirements during construction and installation works; Review Regulatory Approval Package, drawings, specifications, quality inspections, etc.; Control of excavation, sampling and determination of the density and relative humidity of the soil, preparing the base and backfilling; Check passports of materials and goods, equipment, quality certificates on conformity to the design documentation, technical requirements and standards of RK; Control for compliance and quality of formworks performing, reinforcement and frame works; Control of the organization and carrying out of concrete works, quality control of concrete, sampling; Control of compliance with the requirements of the customer’s specifications, SniPs, GOSTs, ( ITP procedures, technical manuals, specifications); Review of dossier with executive documentation in the CMS Base on civil, steel frame installation, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and controls works; Participate in Fire and Gas Detection System testing in the pump house and on manifold; Regularly observe the work during the construction period; focus on activities that require Technical Supervision involvement; Participate in completing ACT’s of inspection of hidden works, testing, and ACT’s of intermediate and final; acceptance of equipment, and other installations; Inspect facilities, check drawings, Work Method Statement, specifications, quality control, etc; Sign off Acts requiring Technical Supervision signature; Review RCI (Record of Construction Inspection and Quality) compliance with TCO requirements and procedures (specifications, standards for construction materials, details, structures, application area and quality control techniques, etc.); Keep Technical Supervision Log; Preparation of and signing conclusion on construction and installation quality; Participate in Acceptance Commission work and sign off Facility Acceptance for Operation Act; Timely submit reports;
May 2018December 2018
8 months


Inspector Technical Supervision
Check availability of the civil construction & erection start-up notice and coupon for start-up; Check that contractors have appropriate license to carry out their activities; Participate in export pumps G21E, G21F, G21G, G21H individual testing; Participate in hydraulic test of process pipelines; Ensure the execution of RoK quality requirements during construction and installation works; Review Regulatory Approval Package, drawings, specifications, quality inspections, etc.; Control of excavation, sampling and determination of the density and relative humidity of the soil, preparing the base and backfilling; Check passports of materials and goods, equipment, quality certificates on conformity to the design documentation, technical requirements and standards of RK; Control for compliance and quality of formworks performing, reinforcement and frame works; Control of the organization and carrying out of concrete works, quality control of concrete, sampling; Control of compliance with the requirements of the customer’s specifications, SniPs, GOSTs, ( ITP procedures, technical manuals, specifications); Review of dossier with executive documentation on civil, steel frame installation, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and controls works; Participate in Fire and Gas Detection System testing in the pump house and on manifold; Regularly observe the work during the construction period; focus on activities that require Technical Supervision involvement; Participate in completing ACT’s of inspection of hidden works, testing, and ACT’s of intermediate and final; acceptance of equipment, and other installations; Inspect facilities, check drawings, Work Method Statement, specifications, quality control, etc; Sign off Acts requiring Technical Supervision signature; Review RCI (Record of Construction Inspection and Quality) compliance with TCO requirements and procedures (specifications, standards for construction materials, details, structures, application area and quality control techniques, etc.); Keep Technical Supervision Log; Preparation of and signing conclusion on construction and installation quality; Participate in Acceptance Commission work and sign off Facility Acceptance for Operation Act; Timely submit reports;
March 2017April 2018
1 year 2 months


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Expert Technical Supervision
Check availability of the civil construction & erection start-up notice and coupon for start-up; Fabrication of metal structures for FGP (Future Growth Project); Technical Supervision is responsible for quality of construction and installation work within Technical Supervision scope per RoK construction regulations, construction’s ACT’s, and other applicable SNiP’s and GOST’s; Quality control of welding works in accordance with the technical requirements of the project (specifications); Quality control of painting and coating works in accordance with the technical requirements of the project (specifications); Control of compliance with the requirements of the customer’s specifications, SniPs, GOSTs, ( ITP procedures, technical manuals, specifications); Inspect facilities, review drawings, work method statements, specification, quality inspections, etc. Sign ACTs where signature line is provided for Technical Supervision; Check of passports of materials and goods, equipment, quality certificates on conformity of the design documentation to technical requirements and standards of RK; Check RCI’s compliance with the requirements and the TCO procedures (specifications, construction materials standards, details, designs; scope of acceptance and quality control methods etc.); Keep Technical Supervision Log; Preparation of and signing conclusion on construction and installation quality; Participate in Acceptance Commission work and sign off Facility Acceptance for Operation Act; Timely submission of reports;
March 2015February 2017
2 years


Expert Technical Supervision
Check availability of the civil construction & erection start-up notice and coupon for start-up; Check that contractors have appropriate license to carry out their activities; Quality control of civil works in accordance with the technical requirements of the project; Participate in decision making process on additions to projects as per RoK construction code; Control of excavation, sampling and determination of the density and relative humidity of the soil, preparing the base and backfilling; Quality control of painting and coating works in accordance with the technical requirements of the project (specifications); Control the course of capital construction phases performance, verify scope of work, timing and quality of construction and installation works, as well as quality of materials, tools and structures used as per approved project design estimation documentation, drawings, construction codes and regulations, technical conditions and worktime standards; Knowledge of RoK construction code, GOST, VSN, project documentation, regulations; Check of passports of materials and goods, equipment, quality certificates on conformity of the design documentation to technical requirements and standards of RK; Provide support to QC, Construction, OPS and Engineering to apply the project ITPs to the Systemized Component List and to develop the construction Check list and regulatory affairs (RA) documents matrix as per scope of work; Check documentation provided by contractor for correct content; Control over implementation of construction phases, as well as materials and tools quality; Control for compliance and quality of formworks performing, reinforcement and frame works; Control of compliance with the design requirements of purchased materials; Control of compliance with the requirements of the customer’s specifications, construction code, State Standards; Control of compliance with the requirements of the customer’s specifications, Building Regulations, State Standards (procedures, technical manuals, specifications); Keep Technical Supervision Log; Timely submission of reports;
October 2010September 2014
4 years
"NGA Construction Kazakhstan" LLP


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QA/QC Inspector
Operational tracking of the Project SOW being performed, preparation of requests for materials and goods, developing technical documentation as per RoK construction code, including executive documentation, calculation of work scope based on work drawings, control over scope conformance to expectations, deadlines and quality of construction and installation works; Check of passports of materials and goods, equipment, quality certificates on conformity of the design documentation to technical requirements and standards of RK; To conduct the analysis of QC plans corresponding to the current requirements for quality assurance; Organize daily meetings on construction & installation works progress; Daily progress reports;


Skill proficiency levels
Responsible, communicative, punctual, purposeful, hardworking.

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

 Full Program Package of MS Office, AutoCad;  Ability to read drawings of different level of complexity;  Driving license of “B” category;  Supervision over timely fulfillment of the tasks;  Knowledge of safety rules and major labor protection instructions;  Reporting to management, participation in handover to customers process.

Higher education (bachelor)

Western Kazakhstan agrarian technical university
Engineering, Civil Engineering Operation and construction of oil & gas storage/field and pipelines



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

State institution
Department of State Architectural and Construction Control ZKO, Certificates for supporting and enclosing structures, engineering networks, technological equipment.

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter