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Male, 46 years, born on 14 January 1979
Almaty, willing to relocate (Aktau, Astana, Atyrau), prepared for business trips
Lead Software Developer / IT Director
750 000 ₸ in hand
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 23 years 3 months
January 2008 — currently
17 years 3 months
Almaty, www.equ-tech.kz
- Identifying and developing technical requirements for software;
- Analysis of business goals and developing ways to achieve them;
- Web projects development and support;
- Database development and support;
- Managing contacts with clients
- Relationships with governmental agencies
- Developed and implemented web information system for TCO (STARS)
- Upgraded software for web information system of National Agency for Development of Local Content (NaDLOC, Ministry of Industry and New Technologies), http://reestr.kca.kz
- Developed and implemented web system for procurement activities of subsoil users operating in RoK, http://reestr.nadloc.kz
- Developed and implemented web system for subsoil users regulatory reporting, Ministry of Oil and Gas RoK, http://report.camng.kz
- Developed and implemented web system for procurement in subsoil use area, http://www.e-proc.kz
- Developed and implemented web based software for regulatory reports automated creation, software integrates with different financial and accounting softwares, including 1C, SAP, SUN SYSTEM, and others. Registered under "Procsy" trademark
January 2007 — January 2008
1 year 1 month
Software Test Management Group – Leading Software Development Engineer
- Participation in Company’s software development projects;
- Managing test process for all software products before moving them into production environment;
- Coordinating value added Services & Products Development Team;
- Organization of test environments for software products;
- Functional design for software to be developed and implemented by internal team or external software vendor;
- Development of technical design and requirements for software;
- Roles & Responsibilities, actions flow diagram;
- Coordination of software bugs tracking and removal process;
- Development and maintenance of company’s internal software for departmental and unit tasks, their resolution, reports.
January 2004 — January 2008
4 years 1 month
Second Generation/Sour Gas Injection Projects (SGI/SGP) Completion Group’s DB Coordinator
- Web-based information system development (STARS);
- Handling As-built required documents;
- Working close with web system’s end users and making analysis of their needs, providing new proposals to management for software improvement, assigning tasks within software group;
- Evaluation of subordinates’ performance results, providing reviews of their performance (on special forms) to human resources department.
- Management over developers and database support groups, planning budget yearly;
- Coordination of software development and maintenance processes, assigning tasks to subordinates, reporting to immediate management;
- Providing hardware, software and other expenses calculations to Budget Review Group Members, getting their approval.
January 2002 — January 2004
2 years 1 month
Engineer Programmer
Supervised implementation of all new applications, managed the personnel training to effectively use of computer applications for 3D calculations of stresses and deformations of construction facilities under external forces.
Key Job Responsibilities
- Finite Elements method based calculations of designed facilities for Oil & Gas industry
- Managerial duties of handling the personnel training
Skill proficiency levels
About me
.Net professional
Databases - MS SQL Server, Oracle
Web developer
Languages: Java, C#, PHP, JS
Reliable, hard working, professional, capable of achieving results in shorter time periods
Higher education (PhD)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Science in Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science
Tests, examinations
PhD Degree in “Applied Physics and Mathematics”
High Attestation Committee, PhD Degree
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter