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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 46 years, born on 20 September 1978

Considers offers

Shymkent, willing to relocate (Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Kazan, Shymkent), prepared for business trips


  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 25 years 5 months

January 2012June 2022
10 years 6 months
IB Khrustaleva


Utilities... Show more

Service manager
- Working with spreadsheets. (excellent knowledge of Excel) - Implementation and work in CRM - Site content (WordPress, Bootstrap) - Editing photos of goods in Photoshop, creating presentation clips - Development of job descriptions - Work with wholesale clients - Creation and editing of price lists - Planing and monitoring and the monitoring of sales - Business management - Sales analysis and planning per region - Business intelligence - Management of the service center. - Management and coordination of the Service Center - Construction of effective business processes and a control system - Construction and introduction of control and the analysis of performance of problems - Construction of system of mutual relations with departments inside - the companies - Repair and installation of home appliances, and the satellite equipment - Cooperation in sphere guarantee and postwarranty service of technics - Sale and installation of systems of independent heating - Refueling of autoconditioners - Selection and personnel training - Working out and introduction of systems of motivation of the personnel.
January 2006January 2012
6 years 1 month
Service Center "Evrika"

Utilities... Show more

Management of the service center (in submission of 40 persons). - Management and coordination of the Service Center - Construction of effective business processes and a control system - Construction and introduction of control and the analysis of performance of problems - Construction of system of mutual relations with departments inside - the companies - Repair and installation of home appliances, and the satellite equipment - Cooperation in sphere guarantee and postwarranty service of technics of firms LG, Samsung, Panasonic, BOSCH, Merloni etc, - Sale and installation of systems of independent heating - Refueling of autoconditioners - Selection and personnel training - Working out and introduction of systems of motivation of the personnel.
July 2003December 2005
2 years 6 months
Service Center "Evrika"

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The chief engineer
The chief engineer (in submission of 10 persons) - Management of repair department of the Service center - Support of contracts - The decision of questions in sphere guarantee and postwarranty service of technics of firms Samsung, LG, Indesit, Bosch etc. - Services in sphere of satellite television - Office activity, accounting.
February 1997May 2005
8 years 4 months
South Kazakhstan Regional Center of New Technologies in Education

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

- Realization of the program of information of secondary education in South Kazakhstn - Software developing - Service and supports of computer technics at schools of South Kazakhstan.
October 1998July 2003
4 years 10 months
"Godograf +" Ltd

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

- Service and support of computer technics and the Customs office software on SKR and "Corporation the ACCEPT ".


Skill proficiency levels
Contracts activities
High performance, mobility
Flexibility in decision making
Good faith
Experience with foreign companies
Experience in managing staff of up to 50 people
Cooperation with maintenance companies
Teamwork skills
Honesty and Integrity
Responsible attitude to work
Experience in participation in tenders
MS Excel
MS Word
MS PowerPoint
CMS Wordpress
Business Correspondence
Advance PC user

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

- Experience as operating the service center - 5 years - Experience of human resource management to 50 persons - Management and coordination of the Service Center - Conducting contract activity - Cooperation with firms on technics service - Purposefulness - Conscientiousness - Good organizing abilities - Flexibility in decision-making - Ability of analytical thinking - Responsibility and skill to communicate - Ability to work in a command - Fast adaptation to new conditions. - High working capacity, mobility. - The experienced computer user.

Higher education

University "Ulagat"
Economical/Economist, Diploma
South Kazakhstan State University
Information technologies/Programmer, Diploma



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

ItalianA1 — Basic

KazakhA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

5230 Mattighofen, Stallhofnerstrasse 3
Max Weishaupt GmbH
Rinnai Corparation, South Korea
B/S/H Turkey
Courses of the bookkeeper
The employment Center at Akimate of Shymkent
Courses English language in England
Stevenage, England

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter